Become an Investor
When you become an Investor or Event Partner, you’re supporting our efforts to keep Downtown Wabash vibrant every day and night.
Downtown Wabash, Inc. remains relevant to support the quality of place in our community. As we work together to grow our county-wide population, we need beautiful and vibrant spaces. Downtown districts are vital to the community’s culture, identity, and quality of place. Some of these quality of place efforts coming from our office include First Fridays, the Downtown Wabash Farmers Market, small business support, economic revitalization, building improvements and overall promotion of the district.

Leveraging Investment
Every $1 invested in our mission leverages $24.07 in new investment in our community. We hope you will continue to support our nonprofit organization as we strive to make Downtown Wabash vibrant, every day and night!

A Message from our Executive Director
Find out how your investment supports our mission of being a catalyst for community and economic revitalization, as a nonprofit organization utilizing the Main Street Approach™ in Downtown Wabash.
2024 Investor Guide
Supporting a National Model for Success
To achieve these quality of place goals, we continue to partner with Indiana Main Street and Main Street America. We’re one of 1,200 programs across 45 states and we’re the only nationally-accredited organization in Northeast Indiana.
Investment Levels

$100 Investment
Investment Link
$250 Investment
Investment Link
$500 Investment
Investment Link
$1,000 Investment
Investment Link
$2,500 Investment
Investment Link
Custom Investment
Investment LinkEvent Partnership Levels

$250 Partnership
Partnership Link
$500 Partnership
Partnership Link
$1,000 Partnership
Partnership Link
$2,500 Partnership
Partnership Link