July 21, 2023
The ultimate guide to supporting independent retailers in Downtown Wabash, Indiana
Small businesses keep Downtown Wabash, Indiana thriving

A retailer is defined as “a person or business that sells goods to the public in relatively small quantities for use or consumption rather than for resale.”
An independent retailer is that person and also one who builds their business without help from an established brand.
This can mean a few things.
For example, independent retailers reside in independent storefronts and have built their business from the ground up. They’ve done this by assessing all needs of the store including staffing, marketing, merchandising, sales, finances, customer service and more behind-the-scenes components to running a successful retail store.

In Downtown Wabash, Indiana, there are more than 30 independent retailers around every corner in the district from Paradise Spring Park to the Honeywell Center and the Mighty Wabash River to the railroad tracks at Hill Street. Mixed in with countless services and amenities, these retailers add to this diverse ecosystem of businesses.
“As the Main Street Organization for Downtown Wabash, Indiana, we believe in the power of our 100+ small businesses that reside in the district. We say power because without these unique, diverse business offerings in our small footprint, we wouldn’t have community support for all things great that happen year-round in this district. And without that community support, we wouldn’t have a strong downtown district for all to enjoy, 24/7, 365 days a year. These independent retailers help drive traffic to the district on event days and non-event days alike, which is something we really take pride in.”
Downtown Wabash, Inc. Executive Director Andrea Zwiebel said.

It’s no secret that owning a business these days comes with its own challenges. Independent retailers are regularly faced with economic uncertainties, supply chain and shipping delays, inflation and competitive job market. Which is why showing support for these independent retailers is important now more than ever.
Your support can come in a number of ways like shopping in-store, shopping online, sharing their social media profiles with your friends and family, leaving glowing reviews on Google, Yelp and Facebook and directing first-time visitors to your favorite independent retailers.

Explore the variety of independent retailers in Downtown Wabash and make your plans to visit them soon!
Want to hear about nine businesses in Downtown Wabash making a difference? Take a look at our blog from 2022 when we celebrated Independent Retailers in our district.