December 22, 2023
Thank You to our Generous Supporters
Annual donations advance the nonprofit mission of Downtown Wabash, Inc.

Downtown Wabash is not just a destination in Indiana, it’s also a nonprofit organization leading the way for economic revitalization. In 1981, the Wabash community created our nonprofit organization from the “Main Street Movement,” which was born at the national level as an economic development tool. Originally known as Wabash Marketplace, the organization has since accomplished a full rebrand in 2022. The work remains the same: bring vibrancy to Downtown Wabash.

Our vision is a downtown that is vibrant, every day and night. 24/7, 365 days a year. Crowds gathering for First Friday, Farmers Market and festive community events. Shopping ’til you drop and enjoying delightful dining options among friends and family. The vision is bold and bright!
Our mission is to be a catalyst for community and economic revitalization, as a nonprofit organization utilizing the Main Street Approach™ in Downtown Wabash. As Wabash County collectively takes on the goal of growing its population, downtown districts are identified as key drivers for quality of life. If the downtown area is thriving, the health of the overall community is strong.

2023 was a remarkable year, and we could not have done it without our devoted supporters! Enjoy a glimpse into all that we accomplished this year:
- Downtown Wabash, Inc. hosted nearly 40 events with 42,000 guests in attendance!
- In-kind donations and support from community partners was valued at more than $44,800.
- Downtown Wabash Farmers Market experienced a record-breaking year with over $225,000 in sales.
- Downtown 2030 was adopted in April 2023 as our new strategic plan.
- Downtown Wabash, Inc. was a finalist for the PreservINg Main Street Grant from Office of Community and Rural Affairs to bring $2M in facade funding to historic buildings.
- We were honored with support from 163 members.
- Two new murals were dedicated in the Wabash Cultural District.
- Trick-or-Treat Extravaganza attracted over 4,500 guests.
- Downtown Wabash, Inc. awarded two professional development scholarships to downtown businesses.

Every $1 invested in our mission leverages $24.07 in new investment in our community. You can help by giving to our annual campaign, making a one-time donation or volunteering your time! We also accept event sponsorships, endowment level gifts and donations of property. Learn how to become a supporter today!
Below is the list of our generous 2023 donors. Your support means so much to our staff and board of directors. You have helped us uphold our mission and invest in our vibrant downtown district. Thank you for your immense contributions!
2023 Donor Tiers
Blue Shade Sail ($2,500+)
- City of Wabash
- Gebhart Holdings
- Mark & Amy Ford
- Sandy Kunkel
Green Shade Sail ($1,000)
- Arc Light Media
- Beacon Credit Union
- Crossroads Bank
- Ford Meter Box Foundation, Inc.
- Paperworks Industries
- Shane & Alecia Waters
Yellow Shade Sail ($500)
- Intrasect Technologies
- Parkview Wabash Hospital
- Schlemmer Brothers Metalworks
- Vernon Health & Rehabilitation
- Wabash County YMCA
- Wabash Wal-Mart
- Dane & Sandy Haist
- Rich & Kristy Church
Red Shade Sail ($250)
- 105.9 The Bash FM
- 4 Partners in Crime
- 85 Hope, Inc.
- Advanced Ag Resources
- Alley Cat Outfitters
- Bachelor Creek Church
- Barabbas BBQ
- Bellazo
- Bickford of Wabash
- Bluebird Boutique
- Borders & Beyond Gallery
- Bucheri McCarty & Metz
- Carol Sue’s LLC BBQ n Cheese Steaks
- Charley Creek Inn
- Consumer51
- Dawes & Pugh CPAs, LLC
- DBLA Properties, LLC
- Denney Motor Sales
- Douglas C. Lehman, P.C.
- Downs Tandy & Petruniw, P.C.
- Downtown Nutrition
- Dynamic Designs by Dyson
- Edward Jones, Amy Sullivan
- Ellen’s Bridal
- Erik Bryant Photography
- Fireflies Gymnastics
- First Farmers Bank & Trust
- For Goodness Shakes
- Frontline Pest Management
- Grow Wabash County
- Halderman Farm Management
- Hill N Dale Farm
- Honeywell Arts & Entertainment
- Hoosier Chiropractic
- Humana
- Imagine Restaurants
- Indiana Estate & Elder Law
- J.M. Reynolds Oil Co., Inc.
- J&K’s Mega Pet!
- JB’s Cuisine Machine
- John H. Stephens RLS, Inc.
- JoJo’s Olfactory
- Kaleigh M Photography
- Kelli Winer Design
- Kirtlan Auto
- Kona Ice
- Koweba Investments LLC
- Lafontaine Christian Church
- Lighthouse Mission
- Lily’s-N-Things
- Living Forward ABA
- Living Well in Wabash County
- Locomotive Lanes
- Lundquist Appraisals & Real Estate
- Make It Your Own Art Studio
- Manchester Alive
- Marion Prayer Warriors
- Martin Yale Industries
- Miami & Canal LLC
- Modoc’s Market
- Moon Dog
- MRF Real Estate
- Myo Wellness
- Nick’s Dog Cart
- Nicole A. Howard Photography
- Oswalt-Thomas Sales & Service
- Our House
- Paradise Spring Historical Park
- Payne’s Food Truck
- Pettit Printing, Inc.
- Purdue Extension Wabash County
- Rea Logan & Co.
- Reading Room Books
- Realtors Association of Central Indiana
- Red Earth CPA
- Redemption Development LLC
- Rettigs
- Rock City Lofts
- Schlemmer’s Fire & Outdoor
- Siders Premiere Properties
- The Francis Shoppe
- The Rose Collective
- Transform Consulting Group
- Tulip Tree Title
- Twisted Scissors Salon
- Vault 85 Menswear
- Vertical Communication
- Wabash Carnegie Public Library
- Wabash Christian Church
- Wabash County Museum
- Wabash Engraving
- Wabash Landing
- Wabash Moose Family Center
- Wabash Plain Dealer
- Wabash Valley Dance Theater
- White Rock Recreation
- Wooden Ivy Boutique and Floral
- Visit Wabash County
- Dylan and Christy Reynolds
- Gary and Deborah Bryant
- Jordan and Ashley Tandy
- Julie Dickey
- Steve and Lisa Downs
- Noah and Audrey Roberts
Orange Shade Sail ($100)
- Access Youth Center
- Arc of Wabash County
- Babe of Wabash County
- Hanna Lodge #61
- Housing Action Wabash County
- Josiah White’s
- MSD of Wabash County
- New Song Church
- Pathfinder Services
- Spirit Wear
- Wabash County Habitat for Humanity
- Wabash Friends Counseling Center
- Wabash Professional Offices
- Mike and Cindy Williams
- Carolyn Eppley
- Brooks and Christine Flohr
- Ernie and Kay Peas
- Sam and Deanna Unger
- Henry and Sandy Celmer
- Robert and Janet Halderman
- Jim Bain
- Jim and Diana Stump
- Nate and Justine Fansher
- JD and Phyllis Downey
- Jan Roland
- Adam and Andrea Zwiebel
- Tom and Nancy Frank
- Tod Minnich
- Jim Widner
- Willadean Tschantz
- Bill Konyha
- Hope Rider
- Kathy Doran
- Lana Garber
- Patsy Myers
- Shirley Walter